Professional juicer machine

Tips for working more efficiently with your Mastery Cold Press juicer

25 octubre 2024

Are you looking for a Cold Press solution for your juice business? Not only does Mastery stand out for its design, power and precision, but also for its great combination of advantages in your daily work. Would you like to see what your day-to-day work with this new generation cold press juicer looks like? Do you want to see the machine in action? Do not miss this article!

Many of our customers have to face a difficult dilemma: “Which juicer is most suitable or profitable for my business?” This is never an easy decision, so they need plenty of information about the advantages and operation of the different cold press juice machines, to assess which one offers the best properties.

As Product Manager at Zumex Food Engineering, I know how important it is for any juice business to optimise their rhythms of production, tuning and cleaning of their machine. This is why I would like to show you a new video that you will find on our Youtube Channel.

With this tutorial, not only will you find out about the main properties of the machine, you will also learn how to get the maximum performance out of it in each situation. Take note!

Cold Press Mastery juicer user manual

Can you imagine your daily work with Mastery? Do you have any queries about the production process of Cold Press juices? This tutorial covers all the basic information about preparation of the fruit and vegetables, and correct start-up and handling of the machine. To be specific, you will learn about the following topics:

  • Preparation, washing and disinfection of the frui.
  • Preparing the machine: we teach you how to put the accessories in place and start the machine up, including how to select the operational mode on the control panel (manual, automatic and personalised).
  • Shredding process: with a single raw material or a recipe

At the same time, we give different advice on how to optimise juicing, such as shredding speed selection (high for hard fruit and low for soft fruit), and choice of shredding disks.

And even more importantly, we teach you how the safety system of the Mastery shredder works, which halts when products are placed in the loading chute, preventing particles of fruit from flying out and reducing the operational sound level.

  • Pressing process: Some very useful tips about how to use and handle the pressing bags, as well as the pressing speed regulator, which will help you to obtain higher quality juice and avoid splashes, broken bags and spillage. Discover all the advantages of working with our cold press for juices!
  • Automatic operational methods: Mastery includes the option of working with pre-set methods, depending on the type of raw material: Mixed, hard fruit, soft fruit and greens. With the custom program, you will be able to set the parameters and define the chopping speed, number of cycles, pressing speed, time at maximum pressure and program name. See how easy it is to set the ideal operational program for your recipes!

See video on Mastery use and operation

Do you need more advice on our cold pressed juicer? Contact our customer service: or our sales area: We will be delighted to answer your queries.

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